Anycasted services with Debian, bird, anycast-healthchecker and Cisco Nexus 7000

A while ago we started getting alerts, that one of our Kerberos KDCs had problem with the Kerberos database replication. A little digging revealed, that the problems are caused by load spikes on the KDC which were the result of a burst of legitimate queries fired by some systems we didn’t have much control over. Additionally we found that the MIT Kerberos implementation queries all KDCs provided in the configuration file in sequential order, so the first KDC get’s nearly all queries. While thinking about load balancing solutions, quickly anycast came to mind, so we decided to set it up. Anycast leverages the Equal Cost Multipath Routing (ECMP)  capability of common routers to distribute traffic to multiple next-hops for the same destination.

The solution consists of three corner stones:

  1. anycast-healtchecker as a means to check service availability
  2. bird as a BGP speaker on the KDCs and route reflectors
  3. Data center routers (Cisco Nexus 7010) speaking BGP to the route reflectors

The topology is as follows:

Topology KDCs


The anycast-healthchecker is a Python-based software suite to check the availability of any number of locally configured services. The software checks if the service IP is configured on the desired interface and if the service is OK. A service is defined within an ini-style configuration file and is considered OK if the check returns a zero exit-code, so your standard Icinga2 checks could be a good start.

The list of all service IPs considered OK are written to a configuration file – one for IPv4 as well as one for IPv6, if configured accordingly – in bird’s prefix list syntax and bird is reconfigured if necessary.

We use the following check defaults within the main configuration file…

# Default configuration values for checks
interface               = anycast_srv
check_interval          = 3
check_timeout           = 2
check_rise              = 2
check_fail              = 2
check_disabled          = false
on_disabled             = withdraw
ip_check_disabled       = false

…so the actual check for the Kerberos service is rather compact:

check_cmd = /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_krb5 -r EXAMPLE.COM -P 88 -H -p nagioskrb5test -k /etc/nagios-plugins/nagioskrb5test.keytab >/dev/null
ip_prefix =

After restarting the  anycast-healthchecker service, it should start writing the list of service IPs named bird_variable to the bird_conf file (both configured in it’s main configuration). If the KDC is configured to be OK, this file could look something like this:

kdc1:~# cat /var/lib/anycast-healthchecker/anycast-prefixes-v4.conf 
# Generated 2018-02-13 16:37:55.866544 by anycast-healthchecker (pid=10996)
# is a dummy IP Prefix. It should NOT be used and REMOVED from the constant.

Sadly anycast-healthchecker (and the required python-json-logger library) aren’t part of Debian (yet?), but Debian packages are available at

deb stretch main contrib non-free


The Bird Internet Routing Daemon is a popular implementation of OSPF, BGP, and other common routing protocols. On the KDC service machines we use bird 1.6 to read prefixes from the service interface (via the direct protocol) and BGP sessions to export these prefix(es) to the rest of the network.

# Read prefix list from file which anycast-healthchecker generated
include "/var/lib/anycast-healthchecker/anycast-prefixes-v4.conf";

protocol direct anycast_srv {
    interface "anycast_srv";

    import where net ~ ANYCAST_ADVERTISE;
    export none;

If you would like to add a special BGP community to your anycast routes, this could be easily done with the following import filter instead of the simple one above.

define ANYCAST_PREFIX = (65049, 999);

import filter {
    if net ~ ANYCAST_ADVERTISE then {


After reconfiguring bird with birdc configure we should already see our service prefix in the bird routing table on the KDC:

kdc1:~# birdc
BIRD 1.6.3 ready.
bird> show route dev anycast_srv [anycast_srv 2018-02-13] * (240)

Now we have to set up BGP session to export this route, to make the service IP known and reachable within our network. Usually these BGP session might be set up directly to the connected routers, which in our case are Cisco Nexus 7010. For the sake of automation I added two bird based route reflectors (RFC) to the mix, which are configured by the central bcfg2 based configuration management and hold sessions to all service nodes as well as to the Nexus 7000 routers leading to this logical topology:

Logical structure and iBGP sessions
Logical structure and iBGP sessions

So we end up configuring BGP sessions at three points within the network

BGP on the service nodes

On the service nodes we need iBGP sessions to the route reflectors. We configure these with the following snippets in bird.conf. To simplify the configuration we use birds protocol templating feature to configure common parameters for iBGP sessions only once.

# Our AS number
define AS_OWN = 65049;
define ANYCAST_PREFIX = (65049, 999);

# In contrast to usual iBGP we don't import and export anything here by default!
template bgp ibgp {
    import none;
    export none;

    local as AS_OWN;

    enable route refresh on;
    graceful restart yes;

# Sessions to route reflectors
protocol bgp rr1 from ibgp {
    export where ANYCAST_PREFIX ~ bgp_community;

    neighbor as AS_OWN;

protocol bgp rr2 from ibgp {
    export where ANYCAST_PREFIX ~ bgp_community;

    neighbor as AS_OWN;

BGP on the route reflectors

On the route reflectors we obviously need session to the service nodes. We again create a template containing  settings common to all iBGP route reflector client sessions.

template bgp rr_client from ibgp {
    import none;
    export none;

    local as AS_OWN;

    enable route refresh on;
    graceful restart yes;

    rr client;

The configuration for the actual session to the service nodes are quite straight forward now. We just have to specify the nodes IP and which anycast IP(s) to accept from this node. The latter is added as a protection layer so any potential misconfiguration or even hacked node speaking BGP can’t influence any other services.

# Sessions to service nodes
protocol bgp kdc1 from rr_client {
    import where net ~ [ # kerberos-kdc

    neighbor as AS_OWN;

protocol bgp kdc1 from rr_client {
    import where net ~ [ # kerberos-kdc

    neighbor as AS_OWN;

protocol bgp kdc3 from rr_client {
    import where net ~ [ # kerberos-kdc

    neighbor as AS_OWN;

After configuring the sessions on both sides they should come up and routes should be exchanged. On the KDC service node this could look like this …

kdc1:~# birdc
bird> show protocols 
name     proto    table    state  since       info
kernel1  Kernel   master   up     2018-02-13  
device1  Device   master   up     2018-02-13  
rr1      BGP      master   up     2018-02-23  Established   
rr2      BGP      master   up     2018-02-23  Established   
anycast_srv Direct   master   up     2018-02-13  
bird> show route export rr1   dev anycast_srv [anycast_srv 2018-02-13] * (240)
bird> show route export rr2   dev anycast_srv [anycast_srv 2018-02-13] * (240)

and on the route reflector like this …

rr1:~# birdc
bird> show protocols 
name proto table state since info
kernel1 Kernel master up 2018-02-23 
device1 Device master up 2018-02-23 
kdc1 BGP master up 2018-02-23 Established 
kdc2 BGP master up 2018-02-23 Established 
kdc3 BGP master up 2018-02-23 Established 
bird> show route unreachable [kdc1 2018-02-23 from] * (100/-) [i]
 unreachable [kdc2 2018-02-23 from] (100/-) [i]
 unreachable [kdc3 2018-02-23 from] (100/-) [i]

The show route output indicates that we received three routes for our anycast prefix – which is what we expected – but the route is marked as unreachable. The reason for the latter is that the BGP recursive next-hop look-up cannot be satisfied by bird as no route to 10.0.0.* is reachable via birds view of the routing table. This isn’t a real problem, as the Nexus routers would be able to successfully and correctly look up the next-hop but it’s confusing and can easily be fixed by learning the default route from the Linux kernel routing table on the route reflectors by activating the learn switch in the kernel protocol and setting an import filter to allow learn the default route. So the protocol kernel stanza in bird.conf could look like this:

protocol kernel {
        scan time 20;
        import where net =;
        export none;

After reloading the bird configuration with birdc configure we should see something like this

rr1:~# birdc
BIRD 1.6.3 ready.
bird> show route          via on ens192 [kernel1 23:34:27] * (10)   via on ens192 [kdc1 2018-02-23 from] * (100/?) [i]
                   via on ens192 [kdc2 2018-02-23 from] (100/?) [i]
                   via on ens192 [kdc3 2018-02-23 from] (100/?) [i]

Great! Let’s export these routes from the route reflectors to the Nexus routers. On the RR side we have to set up additional sessions like the ones above but with some small differences:

  • For safety reasons we only export prefixes which match a predefined prefix list of known anycast prefixes. If you don’t want to use a white list like in the example below – which is highly recommended – at least filter out the default route as some funny things might happen if you don’t!
  • Usually a route reflector would only export the best path for any given prefix from the RRs point of view. As we want to exploit ECMP on the Nexus routers, these boxes need to have knowledge of all available paths. That’s were the BGP addpath capablity comes in handy which we activate with the add paths knob.
define ANYCAST_PREFIXES = [{32,32} ];

protocol bgp nexus1 from rr_client {
    import none;
    export where net ~ ANYCAST_PREFIXES;

    neighbor as AS_OWN;
    add paths tx;

protocol bgp nexus2 from rr_client {
    import none;
    export where net ~ ANYCAST_PREFIXES;

    neighbor as AS_OWN;
    add paths tx;

That’s it on the route reflector side.

BGP on the Nexus 7000 routers

Due to the route reflectors “in the middle” we only have to touch the Nexus boxes once to set up sessions to the RRs. Any further service nodes will only require configuration changes on the RRs, which we will automate away anyways.

On the Nexus boxes we have to make sure, to

  • activate the feature bgp
  • activate the addpath capability to receive multiple routes via BGP
  • set maximum-paths to install multiple paths into the FIB
  • only accept routes from the desired anycast prefix(es)

This boils down to the follow NX-OS config snippet:

feature bgp

ip prefix-list anycast seq 5 permit le 32

router bgp 65049
    address-family ipv4 unicast
        maximum-paths ibgp 8

    template peer rr
        address-family ipv4 unicast
            prefix-list anycast in
            maximum-prefix 32
            soft-reconfiguration inbound
            capability additional-paths receive

    neighbor remote-as 65049
        inherit peer rr
    neighbor remote-as 65049
        inherit peer rr

If we configured both RRs and the Nexus box correctly, two sessions should be up

nexus1# show bgp ipv4 unicast summary
Neighbor        V    AS MsgRcvd MsgSent   TblVer  InQ OutQ Up/Down  State/PfxRcd   4 65049   17101   14930       41    0    0    2d17h 3   4 65049   17069   14930       41    0    0    2d17h 3

and we should receive the routes for the anycast prefix(es)

nexus1# show bgp ipv4 unicast received-paths 
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family IPv4 Unicast
BGP table version is 41, local router ID is
Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best
Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist, I-injected
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete, | - multipath, & - backup

   Network            Next Hop            Metric     LocPrf     Weight Path
*|i192.0.2.88/32                        100          0 i
* i                                 100          0 i
*|i                                 100          0 i
* i                                 100          0 i
*>i                                 100          0 i
* i                                 100          0 i

which should also be installed into the FIB of the box as well:

nexus1# show ip route
IP Route Table for VRF "default"
'*' denotes best ucast next-hop
'**' denotes best mcast next-hop
'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]
'%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0
    *via, [200/0], 2d17h, bgp-65049, internal, tag 65049,
    *via, [200/0], 2d17h, bgp-65049, internal, tag 65049,
    *via, [200/0], 2d17h, bgp-65049, internal, tag 65049,

Et voila, we successfully set up anycast for our KDCs!

Depending on your network topology you might need to set up some kind of redistribution of the anycast prefix(es) into the backbone of your network to ensure reachability. We do this by redistributing static prefixes into OSPF which we already had due to some static routes within the data center plus a pull-up route for the whole anycast prefix ( in this example).

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